Saturday, November 8, 2014

The final results of the investigation into the suicide of "Robin Williams"

PIC: Robin Williams

An investigation of US police to assert that the cause of death of American actor Robin Williams in August 11 is suicide by hanging without finding any trace of addressing alcohol or drugs in his body, with reference to the attempt actor cut his wrist, according to a news report on Saturday.

And select the investigation, which lasted nearly three months that the cause of death was "asphyxia due to hanging" and that the actor's death resulted from "suicide", citing a statement posted on the Marin County Sheriff site near San Francisco.

He said the investigation, led by Robert Doyle, the officer in charge of the investigations into the deaths in Marin County, the actor tried to cut left wrist. Was found inside the Williams house on any message suicidal intentions reveal to him.

And oldest Williams committed suicide at his home in Tiburon north of San Francisco on 11 August The case had been suffering from severe depression and the beginnings of Parkinson's disease, on what had been revealed to his wife of the late Representative Susan Schneider.

The results of the investigation showed that the actor was in full consciousness when his suicide was not under the influence of any kind of alcohol or drugs in large quantities.

The report stated that the medical tests "revealed the absence of the effect of alcohol or illegal drugs."

Reported a more detailed version of the report that the medical history of Robin Williams as some sources reported include depression, Parkinson's disease, and more recently a growing state of paranoia (paranoia).

Williams was showing symptoms of Parkinson's disease since 2011, in particular through the defibrillator in his right arm and a slowdown in the movement of the left hand. Have been diagnosed with the disease in November 2013.

The report noted that despite the late actor suffering from depression intermittently "during most periods of his life since the age of puberty," but he did not know about any ideas or conviction suicidal behaviors.

Williams was the most prominent comedians in Hollywood and most public of his generation, has been honored with the award and the Oscar awards, "Amy".

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