Monday, October 13, 2014

7 millionaires teens in Hollywood .. know them!

1-Miley Cyrus: estimated wealth of $ 165 million, although she is still 22-year-old building on the site published The Richest and who explained that Cyrus overcharged about 15 thousand dollars per episode of Hannah Montana.
2-India Rose James, aged 21 years, but her personal fortune was estimated at $ 75 million when it was at the age of 18, where she and her family have inherited a large fortune from her late grandfather, "Paul Raymond" is estimated at 650 million dollars

3-Dakota Fanning: wealth is estimated at 16 million dollars, although it is still 19 years 
4-Abigail Breslin wealth amounting to 12 million USD

5-Miranda Cosgrove wealth amounting to 7 million dollars

 6-Selena Gomez Disney Channel star and singer of the famous wealth of $ 5.5 million
7-Willow Smith, daughter of actor Will Smith peaked at the age of ten four million dollars collected through her ​​singing and dancing


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