Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Beautiful young ministers in the world may raise protective jealousy!

Enjoys the young men, "according to the concepts of Arab" in most countries of the world European opportunities objective and neutral to work in important positions and influential in the country, and on Alrgman than they have reached the 25-year-old at least, but the Arab press Tsdarham that they are younger, but they nevertheless show more efficiency, here are some of these young people who have a beauty and elegance, seriousness and efficiency that one who knew mightiest and the highest political offices, do you feel jealous towards them?

1- and the Minister of Health in Sweden: Gabriel Vixtröm  

The Minister of Health, who took office recently is one of the youngest ministers of the world are not where the 29-year-old, and states that Vixtröm has released a statement after assuming office shortly announce the possibility of sending a number of workers in the field of health, Sweden to places affected by the disease of Ebola in West Africa .
2- Secretary of Education in Belgium: Marie Dominique
  The site said that the Arab. Net noted that its image in just two days, including more than 5,000 tweets on the social networking site Twitter, which earned her widespread in the world despite the fact that she did not Athaoz 29.

3- Secretary of development in India: Agatha Sangma
Youngest member of parliament in India, at the age of now 33-year-old was elected for the first time in 2008 and resigned in 2012 in a cabinet reshuffles, and is now working as a lawyer and an expert on environmental and photographer abyss, then we can say they started her political career too early and retired them too early also
4- defense minister in Spain: Carme Chacon  
At the age of 37 years, but on the capacity and efficiency of Djallagha worthy of the position of Secretary of Defense and probably Tantabk some chills when you see images which inspects the troops!
5- and Minister of Education in Sweden: Aida Hadzhelk  
I was born in Bosnia in 1987 and then emigrated with her parents to Sweden where Muslims originated, and now when I was 27 there was nothing to prevent that holds the Ministry of Education this girl twenties Muslim in non-Muslim country like Sweden.


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