Many of us believe that the experience over the supernatural, chased by some evil spirits, saw the ghost of someone he knew died a long time ago, some of those stories reserve the sessions fun and savoring the horror in the scope of acquaintances and friends.
But when it comes to the stars of Hollywood and world cinema, the Lovely it becomes entertaining for everyone, and anyone who is interested Bhawwadat celebrities around the world.
Through a number of television and press interviews with a number of star acting, singing, cut some incidents and experiences of metaphysical had passed out in their lives, or they think well, here inform you of the details of the stories as Aruonha and leave judgment to you.
Matthew McConaughey tells that when he moved to his new home was accompanied by only his dog and saw the ghost of an old woman standing in the doorway, and heard something like the sound of a coin falling on the rooftop, and of course when you move Matthew did not find the old currency.
Matthew McConaughey
Susan Boyle
Actress Gillian Anderson heroine X-Files episodes horrific enough said she believes the idea of alternative worlds, and other organisms that live around us do not see it, and they passed tests to confirm this but believes that one should not speak on those things with everyone.
Gillian Anderson
Beautiful Kate Hudson scratched for a house they had rented her mother in London, and was packed with ghosts who sees them again and again, it says, and it was horrific ghost of a woman without a face. She said that all we have to do when we see any ghost to remind them on the year in which we live, in order to realize that they do not belong to this time, and they have to go without return!
Kate Hudson
Keanu Reyevz
Miley Cyrus used the term Paranormal Activity or "unusual activity" in their description of what passed its experience in one of the apartments for the City of London, once when she heard her sister screaming in the bathroom due to the high temperature of the water for no apparent reason, and again are the same as I saw a small child watched from within the same bathroom, and soon disappeared, of course.
Miley Cyrus
Demi Lovato strongly believe in the existence of ghosts, she had seen in her eyes and is eight years old and the ghost of a little girl like they came from the nineteenth century, was sitting inside the wheel of their own clothes.
Demi Lovato
Jessica Alba went through a bitter experience in her childhood, where the hidden forces to disarm the lids of them she was sleeping, and somehow recorded in the bed so as not to be able to move, and as soon as they were able to flee took scream and run hysteria, and remember that they slept in her parents' room for long days after the incident .
Jessica Alba
It makes sense that many people singer Lady Gaga sees eccentric enough, Besides her appearance and strange, recently claimed that the spirit of the Universal late fashion designer Alexander McQueen visited and revealed to her the words of the song Born This Way immediately after his suicide.
Lady Gaga
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